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Showing posts from August, 2018

In class Interpretation of Une Semaine de Bonte

It is somewhat unclear what is going on in the first pictue of Une Semaine de Bonte, there appears to be some sort of magic woman engaging in some sort of egg deal with a chicken. In the second image it appears as if the deal went wrong because now she lies in bed being watched by a giant chicken.  The woman now dead in the third panel appears to be surrounded by Bosch-esque creatures in a highly disturbing scene. By this point the chicken people appear to be malicious yet still behave like most people. By the fifth page we see a were-chicken upset over losing his human wife. In the sixth page is pictured a chicken man who is spying on some dancing guests posible jealous of their sick moves. The seventh page of this shows a man chicken trying to strike of some sort of deal with the women to trade his stick for something. The eighth page of the story shows what must be a were-chicken trying to find the girls who seem to be hiding from him(God knows I would, dude looks terrifying). ...