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Killing Joke Assessment

Question 1.)
 I was quite please with what I have just read, it is a powerful story with insightful writing, The Killing Joke is widely regarded as one of the best Batman stories to date especially within the comic community. I believe that The Killing Joke is one of the reasons we really have the Joker we have today, a fully three dimensional character that is truly scary at times. Having read this before I was able to pick up on things that I had not noticed the first time particularly within the art. I would say for certain that this is a great comic to read and will continue to be praised as one of the greatest Batman comics.
Question 2.)
 Within this story I really connected to the idea that both the hero and villain are still in the end just fallible people as much as anyone else and can die just like anyone else too. The Joker and Batman are almost like a really bad marriage they loath each other yet neither one seems to budge one way or another, typically when two forces meet eventually something is gonna have to budge. but not with these characters, they are stuck within a routine of order and entropy constantly chasing after each other in a constant state of balance.
Question 3.)
 If I were to adapt this story into another medium I would interpret this into a live action film, while many and most superhero movies today seem to all be on some sort of cataclysmic scale where the whole world is in danger, while some of the best superhero stories revolve around our heroes dealing with the most mortal problems like dealing with existence or just trying to break our routines and habits, these are the heroes we can truly relate to because they are problems that we all face so the story is much more relatable as opposed to having a world ending monster threatening to destroy earth. I would make almost no changes to the story while adapting it other than maybe playing out the mortality of the characters in order to make them even more relatable, posible blurring the line between a superhero/super-villain and just a normal man, because that's what they all really are.


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